Thursday, September 10, 2015

An Apple a Day

As everyone in the world knows, yesterday was the highly-anticipated announcement of Apple's new lineup of products.  I, like many other apple devotees, watched the entire Keynote live from my desk at work.  While the iPad Pro looks awesome (I can't wait until I can use my Adobe products on a tablet!), I just shelled out a few grand for a new Mac Desktop earlier this year and I am perfectly fine doing my photo and design work at home... for now.  The Apple pencil itself is.. a joke?  But I understand the direction they are going in--to create a tablet and stylus duo that will likely put all other competitors to shame in the next few years.  I had a tablet on my wishlist for Christmas this year, so maybe I will hold off and wait to read the reviews?

The last thing to be announced was the new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus.  I purchased an iPhone 6 in January and can honestly say I have never loved a phone more.  I am always bummed when these mid-season announcements come out, because it means I will soon own an older, obsolete model (for which I am *still* paying full price).  I also get completely suckered into the marketing of it all, and now I really want the new phone.  Sure, paying $500+ for anything (at this time in my life) is a little outrageous, but the way I see it, my phone is probably one the few items that I use every day, all day, and could probably not survive without.  Therefore, the price tag seems fitting.  Will I upgrade to the 6S? Probably not, because again, budget!  But rest assured if I had the money to spare, I would be pre-ordering this weekend.

I absolutely love Apple products and I have them integrated in every part of my home.  Whether it's music, TV, business, or pleasure, our house is full of those fruit-branded products and we love it.  Working in an industry that heavily relies on Adobe products (which perform better on Apple devices) means I will probably be a slave to Apple until I retire, but I'm okay with it.  While the price tag is always a little hard to stomach, I cannot find a more comparable lineup of products that works as seamlessly as Apple.  

A self-portrait with my first iPhone (4).

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